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Magnetic Friction-less
Power Transmission
MGT technology has been used in many applications over many years. Invented and developed by an Australian, Mr Andrew French with the first basic prototype made in 1987 at Jindabyne N.S.W. Another 10 years past and the development of Rare Earth magnets made it all happen with high torque now being transmitted. MGT made its first start at the National Field Days Farm Invention Competition 2000 and then internationally after that in 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, at the International Exhibition of Inventions. The German Hannover Messe and then won the BBC Tomorrow World / HP invent in Earls Court London in the same year. MGT was then taken to South Africa through the World Health Organisation to produce a portable solar water pump for hostile environments. This pump is now even more compact and going into production with the uptake of Solar usage today.
MGT developed many industrial applications. Andrew French attended the Hannover Messe, in Germany in 2001, 2005, 2007 and in 2009. In 2009 following that expo many clients like Grundfos, Alva Laval, Mann Diesel, General Electric tested prototypes supplied to them by MGT with excellent results. MGT has a NATO Cage Code Number and can supply any NATO Military worldwide. Our proudest customer to date is NASA, MGT supplied 2 small xmas tree gears for the 1st Mars rover.
MGT Australia Pty Ltd is bringing this amazing technology to the market with the inventor Andrew French a man with all the experience, know how and inventiveness to assist you to reduce costs, improve efficiencies and help you drive your machinery into the future.
The range of solar pumps and magnetic disks are now available.
MGT Australia is proudly pursuing and developing new mechanically energy storage systems with Green Lab Energy, for micro systems for the power grid using the friction-less magnetic gears.
Please view some of our past work and contact us if you have any applications you would like to discuss or explore the possibilities of using Magnetic Friction-less Power Transmission.
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Xmas Tree Gears

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